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The Inside World of Social Media

February 25, 2013

I participated in a social media chat that gave a lot of information on different aspects of social media. This Twitter chat had numerous people from different backgrounds and professions giving insights on social media that were very helpful. Pam Lawhorne

hrLawhorne gives a link and tips on her own Facebook page on marketing. I really liked this Tweet because she incorporates two different social media sites to give people tips on a specific profession. I also liked Alexa SocialMedia’s Tweet,

She gives insights on how to spy on your competition on the social media sight to better understand your field and better yourself and your company.  Twitter is so important in specific fields like Journalism, Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising and it is a tool that can take a company very far. I Tweeted,

So many people have lost their careers by using social media like Facebook and Twitter inapropriately. There have been incidents on company Twitters being used by accident to post personal Tweets. Not being careful can lead to the end of a career and negative backlash to a brand or company. Mark-making Tweeted,

Twitter is being used to spread the word of what is important for what specific career and it has the power to reach millions of people all over the world. Mark-making enlights others on why to fix your LinkedIn account; to get a job and better your networking and career choices.  I then Tweeted,

The power of Twitter cannot be underestimated and it gives us the pedestal and the medium to voice ourselves and actually be heard if done in the appropriate manner.  This Twitter chat was very important because it shows how social media is now teaching people about their careers. I can go on Twitter and find information on Journalism and Public Relations or my profession. There are so many tips, secrets, and informative Tweets that teach us about specific jobs.

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